An extremely old artisan technique has gained attention on the web-world recently: punch needle. That gave a lot of rising artists a little bit more stage and recognition on such delicate work, and also got the attention of new passionate people.
Das Punchline is one of the many brands that existed before “it was cool”. “I am using different kinds of punch needle, embroidering needle, beading needle, tufting gun - still a beginner though -, paint and probably I will add new stuff to this list” tells the creator behind the brand to The Dank Project.
The mind before Das Punchline will remain anonymous. “Partial anonymity gives me more freedom and I am here for it”, she explains. Passionate about arts and crafts, the artist loves to make things from scratch since little. “My mom encouraged me to learn new stuff and expand my imagination since I was little. So, I had always been creating stuff with my mind and my hands as a child”
In 2018 however, she decided to make a gift from scratch for her best friend’s birthday. “While I was looking through crafting supplies online, I saw a needle that I have not seen before. I googled it and and saw the towels with 'canım eniştem' written on it and at that moment ideas started to rush through my brain. It was just calling me to create stuff with it and I immediately ordered.”
“I know it's cheesy, but it came to my life right when I needed it. I was an overachiever child and as a teenager I had a very hard time with the concept of success and what this means. Creating gave me a space that I can get to know my emotions, reflect myself and my mind through thread, yarn, fabric and color. It made me open up my heart and my mind to myself.”
From best-friend to an online shop
On the - very large list - of handmade products, you will see coasters, bags, hairclips, hats, mini rugs, wall hangs “and probably more stuff that I can’t even remember”, she tells The Dank Project. What started with a little surprise to her best-friend turned into a business. That is because the creator found so much passion in producing each piece, that suddenly she had a large stock of products “more than I can use, wear or gift loved ones.” Her friends then suggest she open an online shop - and so she did.
Passionate about colors and texture, this reflects on her creative capacity to produce new gems. For her, every technique shall be explored combining different textures and mix of colors. “I have never been a person with a very strict routine anyways, so I don’t even know what I will use for my next piece!”, she says between laughs.
Not following a routine specifically also allows her to be creative on each and every product: you can clearly see the affection on small little embroidered details. “Punch needle and embroidering became my meditation but also showed me that “skill” works the same as the game: I needed to work on it if I want to get better at something.”
“I don’t limit myself with one line and try to be open minded when it comes to products. Sometimes I find a very unique thing in a local yarn shop and use that as a base to my imagination. My bestseller products are hair clips and coasters, but my favorite ones are my wall hangs or hoops.”
The brand used to be based in Istanbul, but now the creator has switched lanes and is now calling Antalya home - so is the brand. Check more about Das Punchline on their Instagram profile, place orders and fall in love with their world. Also, yes, they deliver worldwide!